What's wrong with my lips, non stop peeling. It's so irritating. So now I'll try follow a timetable, to balance out things I do daily. Here goes...
Regular preparation for school > Go home at 1:40 > Lunch and TV until 2:30 > Leisure till 3:00 > Sleep/Study > Go home around 4 > Sleep/Study (depends) > 5:30 exercise or games till 6:30 > Dinner > Study from 7 and ends at around 9 - 9:30 > Leisure until 10:30 > Sleep > Repeat
(I won't follow this time-table on holidays or weekends.)
Fridays and weekends.
If I wake around 6 - 7am (not Friday), I'll go for my early morning exercise until 7:30. Then play games until breakfast. Then proceed to have fun until lunch. Around 2pm, I'll study until 4 - 5pm. Exercise more until tired. Have my dinner, then relax until 8pm. Study until dark, if tired, watch some TV or movies. Then sleep around 12 - 1a.m.
Hmm, my strict time-table. I'll do these for 2 weeks, if theres any improvement, I'll follow this timetable until my next exam, if my grades went up, I'll follow this time-table for as long as possible, maybe until SPM over? I hope I can. Because this time table doesn't look bad, if I spend too much time on something, tell me please.