Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 107 - What the

Holy Bleep, today I experienced something....

I was cycling home from the park like normal,
thinking, nothing is impossible as I was sprinting on my bicycle,
don't know is it my ears or am I day-dreaming,
I heard the sound of a motorbike,
sound close, as I'm slowing down and turn to the sides,
this rider was beside me riding on the same speed as me,
when I look at that mid-forty rider, his eyes was red,
face full of holes, it's like he just did drugs,
he mumbles then accelerate away,
that moment, sweat racing down my face, my heart was at 120bpm
I was thinking, what the bleep did he say?

Eh, good story? Rate my story.

And I was bathing, then thought about a line that is quite nice, well, to me. (in Art of Life)

Art of Life

Stand straight, walk straight, look straight, think different.
